Saturday 23 July 2016

Back to school

Dear readers,

I'm trying to get back into school roleplay, and specifically line-writing. I'm not sure if I will post (m)any of the lines here, but maybe I'll update the blog semi-regularly.

For now I'd like to share with you my updated school uniform.

I finally got a cute school bag to complete my outfit. Those things are crazy expensive but I made a really, really good bargain on Amazon recently. In fact, it's probably the cheapest item of my uniform now, excluding the necktie and the socks.

Another new item is the grey felt hat which I really like. It's one of those pieces of clothing that single-handedly hammers down that you're just a schoolchild, so it's a perfect addition to my school uniform.

Speaking of feeling juvenile: I also replaced my regular necktie with a clip-on tie. "Why?" you may ask. And maybe a few months ago I would have reacted the same. But recently I came to like them because, much like the felt hat, they make you feel like a child. Having a clip-on tie be part of the school uniform just screams "we want you to look smart but can't trust you with an actual tie". The added benefit is that a clip-on tie can't be loosened like a regular tie. That means that I have to wear my blouse fully buttoned at all times. Not that I ever wanted to loosen my tie and open the top buttons (no, really, having a tie and a snug blouse collar is one of the main appeals of wearing a school uniform for me) but having the option taken away from me is a nice feeling. I also like how the clip-on tie forces the collar a bit upwards so that I feel it when looking down while writing; interestingly much more than when I chose to straighten a proper necktie. It's hard to capture on a photo but maybe you understand what I mean.

Last but not least I also bought a fantastic plaid skirt from It's still a bit tight but it's a nice incentive to lose some weight. I also got a new grey pleated skirt (not pictured here) which fits a bit better so that I'm wearing it more often at the moment. And a while back I also bought some nice T-bar shoes that round out the school uniform.

Let me know what you think in the comments - but please don't forget to enter your name too. (choose "name/URL" in the comment as dropdown box)
I've asked several times to not post anonymously but the majority of comments is still anonymous. In the future I will simply delete such comments.


Friday 1 April 2016

A one-time update .... maybe?

I'm not sure if anyone will be even reading this - the last (and at the time final) update - has been posted more than a year ago, after all. But a few weeks ago I tried something that I never did before: writing a punishment essay. And I thought I'd share that one.

I met Matron Fox in the Written Punishments Group on Yahoo and she has a thing for essays, so I thought I'd offer to write one for her. We did a tiny bit of roleplay and I ended up with the task of having to write an essay on "why a proper English gymslip is the perfect dress for a girl's school uniform". The essay was to consist of at least 1000 words which doesn't seem too much at first glance but trust me - that was very very hard. I was running out of ideas about what to write towards the end and just finished it with 1004 words. Kudos to everyone who ever wrote a punishment essay with several thousand words.



So, anyone still here? Let me know in the comments below, or shoot me a message on FetLife.

Saturday 31 January 2015

End of Line

Dear readers,

I'm sorry that I've let you in the dark for so long. Unfortunately most of you won't like this update anyway.

Back in November I have ended my agreement with Miss Melanie. I don't want to go into the details, if you don't mind. Suffice it to say that I wasn't getting what I wanted out of the agreement anymore, and that I felt that writing lines to this extent was harmful to my life. Since November I haven't written a single line but at least I now started to wear my school uniform again every now and then.

I'm not sure if I will ever again dive this deep into this kink. Actually I expected to be drawn back to it by now. But right now I don't miss it at all. At least the writing itself. I wouldn't mind having the tingly feeling again that you get when you finish your lines. :)

However, what I'm sure of is that I won't continue this blog in the future. If you want to keep in touch you can message me on FetLife or send me an e-mail via the contact form at the bottom of the right column in this blog.

Thank you everyone for following my adventures. Take care.
