Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day 283 - Saturday detention ... not awesome, but awful

Dear readers,

I always wanted to experience a strict saturday detention (there was no such thing at my school). And yesterday I had the "pleasure" of doing a full day detention for Señorita Sanchez. The tasks themselves (copying countries&capitals, copying a part of the bible, writing lines) were relatively easy. But the length of the detention (starting at 08:00 and ending at 22:30), aswell as the order to keep writing all the time (no stopping allowed) made it really awful - and painful.

This was the timetable:
08:00 Copying countries(blue pen) and capitals (black pen)
09:55 break
10.00 continue with the countries and capitals
12:00 lunch break
12:30 copying the bible: The Exodus
14:45 break
14:50 continue with the bible
17:00 break
17:20 Writing the sentence "Las alumnas con mal comportamiento deben hacer detencion los sabados"
19.50 break
20.00 continue with the sentence
22.30 End

And Señorita Sanchez made sure to check in every now and then via webcam (same angle as me writing lines in my previous blog post), so I had no idea whether she was looking or not, and had to write all the time.

I prepared the webcam etc. in the morning and then I ate breakfast and "went to school". Of course I arrived early ;-) and had to wait 10 minutes in front of the detention room. This was already dreadful because I was actually waiting for a full day detention - and I knew it.

I began writing the countries and capitals. For the first copy I wrote the country, changed the pen, wrote the capital, changed the pen, etc. But I soon got tired of it, so I wrote a full page of countries, then the full page capitals. This was easier but I didn't learn which capital belongs to which country. So I suppose I need to study before my exam which Señorita Sanchez plans to do in a couple of days.

After lunch I had to copy the bible. I am not religious, so I never had a bible in my hand before yesterday. However I always had the strange fantasy of being an exchange student at a strict christian school and be forced to attend church and copy the bible.
The first few chapters were interesting (with all the "backstory" of the Hebrews in Egypt) but then it got tiresome. The dialogue between God and Moses was very repetitive; they always repeated each other's question before answering it. It felt like it was intentionally written to be copied by schoolchildren as punishment...
And then it got even worse with Moses' family tree. A had sons called B, and C, and D. And B had sons called E, and F, and .... This would go on forever. And they all sounded like some Klingon dudes! So this was very difficult to write. I was actually relieved when this was over.

But then it got even worse. By 17:00, when I had to start writing the sentence, my hand hurt already and I also had a headache.
After the first half (20:00) I wanted to stop. I couldn't write anymore. I wanted to ask my teacher if you she would allow me to stop the detention, but she wasn't online anymore. (At least not during the break, I don't know if she logged in again afterwards)
I didn't want to risk a further punishment by stopping the detention without her permission. So I went back to writing...
The hand hurted more with each line, the headache got worse and my neck became stiff. In the last hour I couldn't sit still anymore because it was just so uncomfortable.

I was soooo relieved when the alarm at 22:30 rang. I knew it was over (at least the writing ... the pain still goes on). And I was a bit proud that I "survived" it.

I felt (and still feel) like a young schoolgirl that had to obey her teachers. The short 5 minute breaks were especially humiliating because there was barely time to go to the bathroom and then I had to rush back to writing, fearing more punishment if I didn't comply.
And today I still feel my hurting hand and the hurting neck (tightly encased in the stiff blouse collar of my school uniform) and I wonder what it would be like to go to school today and concentrate on studying with the pain in the hand and neck....well, at least that I probably will never know (sadly?).

 Here are the pages:

And this is me, holding the damn papers, and hoping that I will never have to do such a dreadful detention again.