Sunday, 30 September 2012

Day 360 - Has it really been that long?

Dear readers,

I can't believe I haven't updated that blog for two and a half months. Is there anybody still reading it? Please let me know in the comments.

During the past few weeks I had the chance to do some homework (instead of just punishments...because I'm a well-behaved girl *giggle*) thanks to some teachers from the Written Punishment group. Here are two excerpts:

The first homework task was by my German teacher Mr. Simon. I had to write out the most important German writers and information about them

Another homework was set by Senorita Sanchez. I had to draw a map of Europe including all countries and their capitals, and write a list with those countries and capitals.

That was really fun and interesting. I remember that many of our textbooks in school (in the mid-90s) were so old that they didn't even include a unified Germany, let alone all those new countries that came into existance after the fall of the Sovjet Union. I somehow never really bothered to have a close look on those eastern countries of Europe. But now I know them, thanks to Senorita Sanchez' homework.

Speaking of Senorita Sanchez: She was adamant to change some tiny things about my uniform rules. Since I have almost completed one year I think that should be possible. She wants me to wear socks or wool tights in navy blue rather than white. The tights have to be worn during the winter term when it's below 18°C inside, otherwise I have to wear the knee socks.

Here are a few pictures of the knee socks:

...the wool tights:

and another "fun photo" of my "photoshoot":
Isn't it a pity that curtseys have gone out of fashion?
And again, please let me know if anyone is still reading this. ;-)
- Cornelia