Sunday, 30 October 2011

Day 25

Dear readers,

first of all: sorry that I didn't write another post earlier. I moved home a few weeks ago and there's still much to do. Also, work keeps me busy. (But I shouldn't complain - it's better than no work, isn't it?)

So let's get to the point. Wearing the uniform is ... a little less awesome than expected. It almost became a routine already. I try to wear it whenever I can (though I have to admit that there were two or three instances where I didn't...) but "real life" gets in the way often. Usually, on a working day, I'm home again around 6 PM. Then I do the stuff where I have to leave the flat (e. g. taking out the trash) and then I change into my uniform until I go to bed (at around 11 PM). On the weekend I usually wear my uniform all day, unless I go out or expect someone to visit. Luckily I didn't have unexpected visitors until now.

In the comments on my previous post my reader Stacey also asked if I bought the tights yet. Unfortunately I haven't yet. Like I said, I just moved to another home, so I still have some stuff to buy which is more important right now. But the salary should be payed on tuesday. Then I can go "shopping" again. ;-) (although shopping for a school uniform item isn't exactly what I would call shopping)
Also, I haven't yet found white wool tights in adult sizes which aren't too expensive. I certainly don't want to spend 50 € (70 $, 43 £) just on a pair of tights.

Perhaps deep down inside me, I don't want to wear the tights. Seeing (and feeling) my bare legs peeking out from under the skirt (plus the knee socks) makes me feel incredibly girly. But my reader Richard already demanded that I wear tights with the winter uniform, so I have to buy & wear them real soon (unless a whole bunch of other readers tell me otherwise).
Like I wrote in the comments, I'd like to get to the point where I'm not allowed to (not) wear something by my own decision but rather being dependent on luck (e.g. rolling the dice) or other stuff I can't control (e.g. wearing something depending on the weather forecast and not the actual temperatures).

I'd be very happy to hear some more ideas from my readers. :-)


Monday, 10 October 2011

Day 5

Dear readers,
the first few days have passed. So far, I still like my uniform. ;-)
It got a bit colder the last couple of days and today I really needed to turn the heating up for the first time since spring. Three layers (wool blazer, cardigan and long sleeved blouse) keep my upper body warm but my lower body is only protected by my knee socks and the skirt. When I sit, my knees and a few centimeters of my thighs are not covered at all. It's really not fair that only boys can wear trousers and we girls have to wear skirts! ;-) (there's a nice fictional story on that matter here)
I really should buy a pair of wool tights since the poll permitted me wearing those as well. But for now I can only turn up the heating and keep my legs together.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Day 1 aka Let the Games begin

Dear readers,
the final items arrived today. I'm so happy! Now my One-Year-Project can finally begin. Below are some images.
The full winter uniform: hat, blazer, cardigan, blouse, tie, skirt, knee socks and Mary Janes.

Someone's getting in trouble there already! :-) Not wearing the uniform properly - the blazer has to be worn at all times.
I'm so excited. Let's see if I can make it through the whole year.
Lots of love,