Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Back in school & a look back

Dear readers,

after some "off-time" in the last couple of weeks I went back to school today. Though I have to say that I wasn't very happy being there because Senorita Sanchez made me write out "Castigada por no hacer mis deberes" ("Punished for not doing my homework") 25 times on a piece of paper and then I had to stand in the corner for 45 minutes with the hands behind my head and holding the aforementioned paper.

My arms hurt after a few minutes already and my hands went numb several times. It was definitely a punishment.
If anyone wonders: the homework that I didn't do was to update my blog regularly....

To add to the punishment, Senorita Sanchez made me wear my summer uniform. So even if the blazer kept my upper body warm, my legs were cold and I felt very ... girly? feminine? in my school uniform. At times I wished I could wear trousers like the boys. Oh wait...

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I think it's also finally time to look back on the last year. My initial goal was to wear my schoolgirl uniform (almost) at all times when I'm at home. And even though the time that I spent in uniform greatly increased in the second half of the year (thanks to joining the Written Punishment group and getting to know several people who are also into this "lifestyle") I came nowhere near being in uniform full-time.

I'm still happy though. There were some phases were I spent most of my home-time in uniform, doing schoolwork. And I must say that doing this schoolwork and being punished etc. add to the feeling of being a schoolgirl immensely - instead of just sitting on the couch watching TV in a school uniform.

It's still a love-hate-relationship though. Do I like writing endless lines? No. Do I like being punished with corner time or even a spanking? Hell, no. But do I like being the schoolgirl who has to wear her strict uniform, doing schoolwork, even writing lines and getting punished? Well, kinda yes. It's a strange feeling and I haven't yet fully figured out why I like it. I think what pleases me the most is the knowledge that my teacher spends a minute thinking of my punishment and then it takes me hours to, for example, complete boring lines while he or she enjoys life and can relax or do whatever they want.

So do I want to continue to stay in uniform and do schoolwork? Yes, if time permits. Sadly I don't have too much time lately because I'm busy at work (the real work, not the schoolwork ;-)) and often I don't know in advance when I will have time. But maybe it gets better soon. I especially hope to have a complete weekend off soon, so that I can play out one of my detention fantasies - I'll let you know what exactly that fantasy contains and when it happens. ;-) Just so much for now: it basically involves two and a half days of writing.

I must be crazy.

- Cornelia