Saturday, 30 June 2012

Day 268 - Endlessly writing & a tiny change to my uniform rules

Dear readers,

last time I told you about the Written Punishment group. I'm glad that I found a group of people who share my interests in school uniform and school discipline.

Those who follow my blog know that I had a hard time wearing my school uniform at all times. I wasn't too keen on the elastic skirt because I wanted a skirt that swings when walking. Also it was a bit short for my taste. A few weeks ago I bought a non-elastic skirt from The quality was superb as always but it was at least one size too small (and there weren't any skirts in my size available). So again I wasn't too happy. I then decided to order a gymslip and I have to say: This is the most comfy clothing ever! I don't know why so many girls detest their gymslip. It feels so wonderfully girly. For the first time in months I wore my school uniform at all times last week. I came home, changed into my uniform and stayed in it until bed time. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't wait to get into it again (even though it's already 25°C inside at 10 PM).

Thankfully Miss Genteel, one of the teachers in the Written Punishment group, ordered me to change my uniform rules accordingly:

I have checked your uniform rules and would like to change some things:
- Summer uniform: navy blue gymslip with blue or red ribbon (instead of the skirt) - the other items remain
 - Summer uniform to be worn from 1st April until 30th September
 (included) - the other rules remain
- PE uniform: blue polo blouse / white P.E. skirt / white ankle socks / white or black plimsolls (not these ugly trainers! they don't go with a school girl).

Here are some pictures of my new uniform. Of course I am to wear a short-sleeved blouse at the moment but I thought the long-sleeved blouse would look nicer on the photos (and it hides my man-arms). And yes, I still need to find some plimsolls.

In the background you can see the tiny desk where I write my lines. The wooden chair helps the get into the school feeling. I got the desk and chair from IKEA for just a couple of Euros. Good investment.

Here is me writing lines and spending some time in the corner:

Speaking of writing lines: I had to do a horrible task the last couple of days. Yes, it took me several days. I had to write "Inappropriately obstrigillating an inctuated commandment incurs impositions for floccinaucinihilipilificating foolishly"(!) 400 times (!!). And yes, I just wrote the last sentence out of memory. It took my 10 hours spread over 3 days to complete the assignment. According to the teacher, Mr Buckley, the sentence means "Wrongly resisting an emphasised instruction will lead to a punishment for treating it as a trivial matter" but that didn't much help writing it.

Here are the written lines:

It actually was a nice task to "break in" my new gymslip. And the gymslip certainly made me feel like a schoolgirl who is punished and has to write lines.

Of course the hot and humid weather made the uniform uncomfortable to wear but I somehow enjoyed it. Am I a freak? ;-)

I hope that with my new uniform rules I will now be able to "force myself" into wearing it often/always. Stay tuned.

- Cornelia

P.S.: I'd like to greet Mike/Michaela who stumbled upon my blog and who shares the same interest in uniforms and school discipline. Hello Michaela! ;-)

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Day 251 - Punishment lines ... again.

Dear readers,

again it became silent around here - and again I didn't wear my uniform regularly. (Real Life sucks!) Anyway, I found a wonderful Yahoo! Group called "Written Punishments". Basically you can ask for certain punishments (lines, essays, ...) or enroll in a so-called "class" where you can get tasks at random. One of the teachers gave me the following punishment for not wearing my uniform regularly:
You should indeed wear your school uniform regularly, and for not doing that you will write the following line: A school uniform is an essential piece of clothing for every schoolgirl, and I must wear it at all times. 140 times dear. You will number each line, write your name and date on top of every page, and also the following title: My punishment lines for not wearing my school uniform, page One. (etc.)
Now, 140 lines may sound not much, especially compared to the 500 lines that I did a couple of months ago. But this sentence was a lot longer! And, by the rules, I had to reject every page where I made a mistake. So I had to be extra cautious not to make any mistakes - that really adds to the punishment because you can never ease up. (It also didn't help that I wore my complete uniform and it got quite hot under the blazer). Fortunately I only made one mistake and didn't have to rewrite much. Here are the scanned papers, including the one rejected page:

I think about joining the class. Maybe it helps me to mentally stay in schoolgirl mode. :) Cornelia