Sunday 22 September 2013

More writing for Miss Melanie

Dear readers,

with the week being over I want to keep you up to date on my writing assignments. I'll do that in reverse order because the first one was quite interesting, on an emotional level.

So yesterday I had to write "Damit ich morgen einen Tag frei bekomme, darf ich heute diese Zeilen für Miss Melanie schreiben." ("To have a free day tomorrow, I get to write these lines for Miss Melanie today.") 250 times.




Not much to say about this. Simple, straightforward lines.

Now, on first sight the lines that I had to write on Thursday were pretty much the same. The task was to write "Ich darf meinen Abend damit verbringen, diese Zeilen für Miss Melanie zu schreiben." ("I'm allowed to spend my evening writing these lines for Miss Melanie") 250 times.




As I said, pretty much the same. However the big difference was timing. On Thursday I came home from work at around 8 PM after a long work day (where I already did some writing). So when I started this assignment my hand did hurt already. That's really not good if it already starts after a few lines (not good for me, but Miss Melanie seemed delighted about that fact when I told her afterwards).

The thing is, my usual bed time is around 11 PM if I have to go to work the next day. I started this task at around 8:20 and finished it at about 11:30. So my entire free time on that day was taken away from me, and then some! This really put me into an emotional roller coaster. I had the most insane "afterglow" after I finished this task, that made it impossible to go to bed because my head was filled with thoughts and emotions that I can't even begin to write down because I can't really put them into words.



  1. How did you find Miss melanie?

  2. Hello Anonymous ;-)
    I met Miss Melanie in the Written Punishments group on Yahoo:

  3. can only agree with Cornelia H.: Miss Melanie is the most experienced Domme i know. she is able to detect the exact amount of lines every of her slaves is able to write.
    have written numerous lines for Miss Melanie too and experienced similar things to Cornelia H


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