Sunday, 27 October 2013

My tasks from the last two weeks

Dear readers,

here are my tasks for Miss Melanie that I wrote in the last two weeks.

17th October
200 times "Meine Freizeit ist heute gestrichen, weil Miss Melanie es so wünscht." ("My free time today is cancelled because Miss Melanie wishes it.")



20th October
250 times "Es ist besonders schön, wenn ich überraschend Zeilen für Miss Melanie schreiben darf." ("It is especially nice when I'm allowed to write lines for Miss Melanie unexpectedly.")




23rd October
250 times "Bei dem schönen Wetter macht es viel mehr Spaß, für Miss Melanie schreiben zu dürfen". ("During such nice weather it is much more fun being allowed to write lines for Miss Melanie")




25th October
150 times "Ich werde mir Gedanken dazu machen, ob und wie ich meine Freizeit in die Hände von Miss Melanie legen kann." ("I will think about if and how I will put my spare time in Miss Melanie's hands")

Just a little explanation: there is something (positive!) going on in my private life that makes it a bit harder to sustain the deal with Miss Melanie in its current form. I'll keep you updated once a decision has been made.





27th October
350 times "Meine Freizeit kann von Miss Melanie zu jederzeit beendet werden" ("My free time can be cancelled by Miss Melanie at any time")






On a sidenote, a few days ago Miss Melanie introduced the rule that I now have to thank her every time after receiving an assignment. At first I thought it is silly to thank the Domme considering that the sub has to do all the work. ;-)
But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. It puts me into subspace and it reaffirms the D/s power levels with just a simple word (or a few words). I'm really enjoying this now, and I also had the chance to test out how it is to being thanked by someone who had to write an essay for me. It's a real kicker, believe me.

So thank you again, Miss Melanie, for being allowed to write for you. :-)


1 comment:

  1. Very good work, Cornelia though I'm sure you deserved your punishment.I an haopy to set lines for you anytime!


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